How to make doom wads
How to make doom wads

how to make doom wads

When the game first came out, we all just used the Doom.exe (what’s called Vanilla Doom now) to run the game. The executable is what’s used to interpret the Doom content. If the mod you want to play contains more than one file worth of content, just select all of them and drag them onto the executable when you get to that step. deh file is a DeHackEd patch, simply a different kind of patch, modifying game behavior rather than resources.

how to make doom wads

Some older mods split their content between two WAD files - one for levels and another for textures, for example. If you find more than one actual WAD file, or even something ending in “.deh”, inside the zip, don’t freak out. You’ll download these from the internet - most likely the /idgames Archives - where they’ll be packaged along with a readme inside a single zip file. They can contain anything from new sound effects and graphics to new levels or enemies. PWADs temporarily modify the base Doom game in order to create a new gameplay experience. When someone’s talking about a WAD, this is the file they’re most likely talking about, rather than any IWAD. The other 1% run on one of the Final Doom IWADs - TNT.WAD or PLUTONIA.WAD - but it’s very unlikely you’ll need to worry about those. If you have both, you can play 99% of Doom mods out there. The vast majority of mods run on Doom II, so as long as you have DOOM2.WAD, you’re in pretty good shape. Physical copies are always floating around on eBay, too, if that’s your thing. If you don’t have a copy of Doom, you can buy it digitally from Steam or directly from id’s website. If you’re not sure where your Doom install directory is, the fastest way to find it is probably searching for “doom.wad” and “doom2.wad” in Windows Explorer. C:\Doom2 is the default location for Doom II, at least in the old days. The (Internal)WAD file can be found in the game’s install directory, and contains all of the base Doom content. This will generally be either DOOM.WAD or DOOM2.WAD. If you’re interested in trying them out, hopefully this will help. It’s second nature to me, but for everyone else, it’s probably a bit daunting. Since we’re going to be talking a lot about Doom WADs in the future, it occurs to me that I should probably explain how they work.

How to make doom wads